July 21, 2020 1 min read

Introducing Alexis Vecchiariello
Q: What company do you work for?
A: Simon Showroom for 7 years. I currently cover AMO, AQC, Antik Batik, CQY, Noam, and Saint Holiday.
Q: How many kids do you have?
A: Three! Two daughters and one son. I have Luca who is 11, Gemma who is 9, and Rocco who is 5.
Q: How has it been working from home? Are you still working?
A: Working from home has been a challenge but also amazing. I miss being in my office with my Simon family sooooo much, but the quality time with my family is priceless. I didn't know how much I missed them! 
Q: This current situation is not funny at all right now, but we need a Iittle laughter. What's a funny moment you have amidst all the craziness?
A: Craziness is the key word in my house! One of many funny moments was boredom for the girls. They decided to make their little brother into a clown. He wasn't happy at first but quickly settled into the role and wouldn't take the make-up off! 
Q: How can we support you?
A: The most important thing is to support one another! Call your friends, family, or anyone who may need a virtual hug! In my neighborhood in Westchester, we clap every night for our first responders and healthcare workers. I love supporting them and being able to see all of my neighbors faces every day! 
Thank you Alexis for being a part of #MamaFeatures!

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